Tuesday, May 1, 2007

1 The name of the website is MADD. If you open this website, you can see the moving pictures on the top of the page. And these pictures show about friends and family. The headline is "Helping your child deal with peer pressure". There are some detials about the title on the right side of the page. In the end of the website, there are some ways to help your child deal with peer pressure. If your child has peer pressure, you can get some suggestions from this website.
2 I think peer pressure can be nagative, but it also can be positive. Some teens like to get advice from their friends,or peers. It is important to talk to your child about underage drinking before they reach this information. Teens are always not sure whether the decision they maked is right or not, so parents should take attention on their child. Some kids give in to peer pressure because they want to be liked and accepted. If their friends drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, they think if they do the same thing as their friends, they will be liked and respected. This can be negative. Not all peer interaction is bad, peer can serve to reinforce existing family values and morals. Parents should communicate with their child a lot.

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